Eliminate Debt
Pay off your debts with our expert help, and begin growing your money
Financial Peace
Achieve financial peace & freedom to start living life as per your terms
Boost Scores
Credit repair is often considered as the fastest way to boost credit score
We help hard working individuals and families achieve a brighter future with better credit scores
Get Started Easily
Registration is free! We will connect you with the resources that best fit your needs for success.
Access Everything Online
Everything you'll need from us will be online. No need to travel or come in person to communicate.
Credit Training
We give you the latest tricks and tips on building your credit and securing more financial freedom

Boost your credit with proven methods – FAST!
With a free membership, you’ll get access to our Learning Center in just a few steps. We’ll teach you how to overcome your credit challenges.
Get started with us
Boost your credit With Free DIY Training!
We’ll provide you with free training and tips on how to improve your credit score and start living a better life. Earn certificates and qualify for better credit fast!

New beginnings. That's what Approval Vault represents.

Boost Scores

Eliminate Debt

Avoid Scams

Maintain Credit

Secure Credit

Consolidate Debt
Credit Repair Tips

If Poor Credit Threatens To Destroy You Try These Simple Tips
If Poor Credit Threatens To Destroy You Try These Simple Tips. So many people take an ostrich approach when it comes to their

Understanding Your Credit Report Score
Understanding your credit score is important since it may help you determine your chances of being approved on your credit applications. Your credit

Easy Tricks To Use When Repairing Your Credit
Easy Tricks To Use When Repairing Your Credit. Has your credit score fallen as a result of life events that you had no